Reference: 31679
Architektūra ir kontekstai 2019. Apleistų pramonės teritorijų konversija Šefilde / Architecture and contexts 2019
Dalia Dijokienė Study book (in Lithuanian)
Eugenijus Staniūnas, Gintaras Stauskis
Textbook (in Lithuanian)
The book analyses the problems of planning of recreation complexes in natural environment in social, environmental and business aspects in the context of their architecture. The textbook is designed for the students of architecture in Lithuania and for all readers interested in problems of modern recreation architecture. Presented in four chapters, the book focuses on issues of importance of recreation in modern society as well as on social, typological, economical and engineering aspects of their architecture. The book presents methodology for environment assessment in ecological, technical and compositional aspects leading a reader from initial concept through sketches of planning versions and to the final project. The book has good graphical back-up of pictures and schemes explaining content of the presented text as well as useful reference and internet links.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 31679
Dalia Dijokienė Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916924
Audrius Novickas Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 915593
Ernestas Gaudutis, Josifas Parasonis, Juozapas Šipalis Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 918401
Henrikas Žukauskas Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31826
Charles Landry. Translated by Jovilė Barevičiūtė Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917256
Vytautas Petrušonis Course project methodology instructions (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31532
Peter Marti Subject editors doc. dr. Gintas Šaučiuvėnas, doc. dr. Tomas Gečys, doc. dr. Kęstutis UrbonasTextbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31430
Kenneth Frampton Subject editor Martynas Mankus Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916919
Jūratė Jurevičienė Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31359
Roger Trancik Mokslinio teksto vertėja doc. dr. Dalia Dijokienė. Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31321
Editor: Pamela Buxton Textbook (in Lithuanian)