Andrejus Henrikas Marcinkevičius
Study book
This study guide is for Master studies of design for quality. The book is intended for Mechanical faculty studies, for this reason the quality analyzed in the book is the one which can be evaluated by some measurable data and can be measured by some technical means. A large part of the book is meant for the organization of quality achievement, quality management and planning in an enterprise and quality standards prescribing activities for its seeking are examined, extracts of their explanations presented by organizations working in the area are got. The quality analysis is not intended for some concrete sphere of activities, but common theoretical methods of quality control are described, mechanics problems in a number of cases are highlighted. Quality costs and their reduction means are described. Influence of engineering skills on a successful solution of quality problems is shown. Because many random factors influence on quality indices, methods of variables analysis are presented in the book. Analysis is grounded on mathematical problem solution, so mathematical equations describing discrete and continuous distributions of variables and methods of their solution, examples of tasks solved by the use of these equations are presented. Examples of the use of computer calculations and computer programmes for mathematical tasks solution and graphical illustration of results are proposed. Though many task examples in the textbook are intended for the solution of mechanics problems, but the quality management standards and mathematical apparatus are universal, so the book can be used by other students engaged in the solution of quality achieving problems. The book can be used not only by students, studying for the Master’s degree, but also by other students.
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Andrejus Henrikas Marcinkevičius
Study book