Reference: 918386
Brand: VILNIUS TECH leidykla "Technika"
Terminologija. Terminografija. Terminija/Terminological research. Terminography. Terminology
Angelė Kaulakienė Collection of articles (in Lithuanian)
Sudarytojas: Olegas Kesminas
Plays (in Lithuanian)
The book is compilled of theatre plays by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University theatre group "Palėpė" which commemorates the 15th anniversary of the group.
Together with the plays by famous Lithuanian authors (adapted by "Palėpė") a play by proper actors of the goup based on internet chats is included ("Šis tas apie mūsų Motiną").
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 918386
Brand: VILNIUS TECH leidykla "Technika"
Angelė Kaulakienė Collection of articles (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31019
Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto profesorių emeritų prisiminimai. Book in Lithuanian
Reference: 915893
Julius Norkevičius
Sudarytojas: Olegas Kesminas
Plays (in Lithuanian)