Reference: 915593
Aukštybiniai pastatai. Architektūros ir konstrukcinių sprendinių raida
Ernestas Gaudutis, Josifas Parasonis, Juozapas Šipalis Study book (in Lithuanian)
Henrikas Žukauskas
Study book (in Lithuanian)
The resources concerning the construction law (including the law of architectural design and territory planning) in Lithuanian language are scarce and mainly restricted to the explanation of the construction process. This textbook is the first and, for now, the only one focusing on the legal questions pertaining to the teaching of architects. Due to the constantly changing legal regulations, the material for adequate preparation of student is missing. The textbook “The Law of Architectural Design and Territory Planning” is partly addressing this need. It is the specialized learning material for the students of art (architecture), the content of it is oriented to highlight the needs of the architectural community, the analysis of the most important legal problems and provide legal education. The book explores all legal relationships related to the architectural design and territory planning, the rights of those participating in the process, and the questions of responsibility. The separate chapters deal with legal foundations of European Union, essential legal concepts and obligatory cases.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 915593
Ernestas Gaudutis, Josifas Parasonis, Juozapas Šipalis Study book (in Lithuanian)
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Eugenijus Staniūnas, Gintaras Stauskis Textbook (in Lithuanian)
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Vytautas Petrušonis Course project methodology instructions (in Lithuanian)
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Peter Marti Subject editors doc. dr. Gintas Šaučiuvėnas, doc. dr. Tomas Gečys, doc. dr. Kęstutis UrbonasTextbook (in Lithuanian)
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Audrius Novickas Study book (in Lithuanian)
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Dalia Dijokienė Study book (in Lithuanian)
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Kenneth Frampton Subject editor Martynas Mankus Textbook (in Lithuanian)
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Charles Landry. Translated by Jovilė Barevičiūtė Textbook (in Lithuanian)
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Jūratė Jurevičienė Study book (in Lithuanian)
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Algirdas Seilius Study book
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Algimantas Naujokaitis Study book (in Lithuanian)
Henrikas Žukauskas
Study book (in Lithuanian)