Reference: 917256
Architektūros objektų diachroninė atribucija. Kursinio projekto metodikos nurodymai
Vytautas Petrušonis Course project methodology instructions (in Lithuanian)
Rasa Vaiškūnaitė
Study book
An environmental management system (EMS) is a structured system designed to help an organization in reducing negative impacts through targeted continuous improvement leading from environmental management to the enhancement of environmental performance while delivering ‘bottom line’ benefits through reduced operating costs. International documents on environmental management (EM) have developed a series of papers for environmental management systems used by organizations.
This study book represents the main issues related to the development of the international EM organization and emphasizes the role of documents on environmental management in Lithuania and worldwide. This paper is relevant due to the fact that environmental management becomes increasingly important for every company. An EMS addresses environmental concerns throughout installation operations in organizations including environmental auditing, a series of international documents on environmental labelling, the evaluation of environmental performance, life-cycle assessment, environmental policy, eco-balances, environmental reporting and environmental charters.
The book can be useful to MA students studying the programs of Baltech Consorcium Environmental engineering and Environmental Management and Clean Production as well as to BA students focusing on the programs of Environmental Engineering, Environmental Protection Management ect.
This edition will help public and private companies with reducing negative environmental impacts through applying EMS and a large number of international EM rules.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 917256
Vytautas Petrušonis Course project methodology instructions (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917740
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Brand: VILNIUS TECH leidykla "Technika"
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