Reference: 31136
Specialieji matematinės analizės skyriai
Igoris Belovas, Mečislavas Meilūnas, Olga Suboč, Vadimas Starikovičius, Galina Šilko Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Jonas Kleiza
Study book (in Lithuanian)
This text book presents a classical theory of integral equations. All main topics of Fredholm theory are described. This theory is explained on the Fredholm integral equations of the second kind which are very important in many applications. Some popular numerical algorithms are described, analysed and implemented for numerical solution of these equations. Various applications of integral equations in mechanics, engineering and science are presented. Some applications deal with ill-posed problems, for a solution of such problems popular regularization techniques are described. Many exercises are given in each chapter of the book.
This study book is devoted mainly for a lecture course given for techno-mathematics students. The topics and tools are selected according the needs of applied mathematicians. It can be used for self-study by engineers and scientists using integral equations in their work.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 31136
Igoris Belovas, Mečislavas Meilūnas, Olga Suboč, Vadimas Starikovičius, Galina Šilko Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916846
Rimas Banys Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917057
Aleksandras Krylovas, Juozas Raulynaitis Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916873
Elena Dagienė, Mečislavas Meilūnas Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 918290
Žilvinas Kalinauskas Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 919118
Milda Kubilienė, Valė Stankevičienė Explainable book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917231
Regimantas Čiupaila, Mifodijus Sapagovas Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917604
Juozas Raulynaitis, Aleksandras Krylovas, Stasys Čirba, Gerda Jankevičiūtė Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 918321
Teresė Leonavičienė, Raimondas Čiegis, Jevgenijus Kirjackis Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916649
Ivanas Višniakas, Kastytis Slivinskas Guidelines for the methodology of object quality assessment and reliability calculations (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916269
Aleksandras Krylovas, Juozas Raulynaitis Summary of theory and laboratory works (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31404
Brand: VILNIUS TECH leidykla "Technika"
Danutė Krapavickaitė, Aleksandras Plikusas Textbook
Reference: 917886
Jonas Kazys Sunklodas Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917000
Eduardas Vakrina, Milda Kubilienė Explanatory task book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31513
Rimas Banys, Rūta Simanavičienė Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Jonas Kleiza
Study book (in Lithuanian)