Reference: 916269
Algebra ir geometrija pasitelkiant Maple
Aleksandras Krylovas, Juozas Raulynaitis Summary of theory and laboratory works (in Lithuanian)
Teresė Leonavičienė, Raimondas Čiegis, Jevgenijus Kirjackis
Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Nowadays, we are increasingly faced with a variety of virtual models. Many real natural phenomena, the most important physical laws, engineering and social processes can be modelled using differential equations, which only sometimes may be solved exactly. Therefore, it becomes important not only to know the mathematical theory of differential equations, but also to be able to apply its tools in other areas and to carry out numerical experiments. The textbook covers all major steps of solving and analysis of applied problems: the principles of creating a mathematical model, the aspects of selecting an appropriate solving method, the possibilities of the use of computer packages, and analysis and visualization of obtained results. The textbook could serve as a source of learning for students of VGTU, as well as for students studying differential equations and their applications, mathematical modelling subjects in other higher education institutions.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 916269
Aleksandras Krylovas, Juozas Raulynaitis Summary of theory and laboratory works (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31136
Igoris Belovas, Mečislavas Meilūnas, Olga Suboč, Vadimas Starikovičius, Galina Šilko Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916649
Ivanas Višniakas, Kastytis Slivinskas Guidelines for the methodology of object quality assessment and reliability calculations (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916873
Elena Dagienė, Mečislavas Meilūnas Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31404
Brand: VILNIUS TECH leidykla "Technika"
Danutė Krapavickaitė, Aleksandras Plikusas Textbook
Reference: 917604
Juozas Raulynaitis, Aleksandras Krylovas, Stasys Čirba, Gerda Jankevičiūtė Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917886
Jonas Kazys Sunklodas Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916846
Rimas Banys Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917231
Regimantas Čiupaila, Mifodijus Sapagovas Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 917057
Aleksandras Krylovas, Juozas Raulynaitis Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 918290
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Reference: 919118
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Reference: 917000
Eduardas Vakrina, Milda Kubilienė Explanatory task book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31513
Rimas Banys, Rūta Simanavičienė Textbook (in Lithuanian)