Reference: 916465
Netiesiniai ir nelokaliniai integruojamieji modeliai
Paulius Miškinis Monograph (in Lithuanian)
Konstantinas Jakovlevas-Mateckis
Monograph (in Lithuanian)
The monograph “Architecture of Urban Landscape” consists of three volumes: Volume I “Evolution of Theoretical Principles of Urban Landscape Architecture” (published in 2008) 412 pages, Volume II “Greenery and Principles of its Composition” (published in 2003, second revised edition in 2011) 300 pages, Volume III “The principles of Formation of Urban Landscape Architectural Objects” (published in 2013) 400 pages. This is the first original scientific monograph published in the country, presenting a new and systematic approach to the analyses of theoretical and artistic principles of the landscape architecture, treating it as an independent and new branch of architectural science. The monograph generalizes the scientific activities in Europe, our country, as well as those performed by the author over the years.
In Volume III “The principles of Formation of Urban Landscape Architectural Objects” the author analyses the typology of the objects of landscape architecture, reveals their special planning peculiarities as well as the structure and contents of projected documentation. The monograph reveals in detail the principles of formation of public spaces: squares and public gardens, pedestrian streets and pedestrian zones. Great attention is also paid to other public spaces of a town, such as the problems in reconstruction of historical parks, formation of recreation, amusement and children parks. The author presents the principles of their formation.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 916465
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