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Reference: 917960
Valstybės ir savivaldybių biudžetų pajamos/The formation of revenue of state and municipalities budgets
Ilona Skačkauskienė Study book (in Lithuanian)
Borisas Melnikas, Artūras Jakubavičius, Rolandas Strazdas, Eugenijus Chlivickas, Liudmila Lobanova, Jelena Stankevičienė
Textbook (in Lithuanian)
This book contains theoretical knowledge as well as practical advice on intellectual business development in the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy development. Topics, presented in the book, include innovation and its development, taxonomy and complexity of innovative activities, importance of creativity in business, human resource management, marketing and project finance, specifics of economic evaluation in intellectual business, nurturing abilities to develop intellectual (knowledge-based) business. The book is dedicated to the master’s and doctoral level students in the business and technology scientific fields. Insights and recommendations, presented in the book, will be useful for beginners as well as for the developers of intellectual (knowledge-based) business.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 917960
Ilona Skačkauskienė Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 915542
Romualdas Ginevičius, Juozas Silickas Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 918551
Valentina Peleckienė Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31806
Jonas Lazauskas Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 32039
Ingrida Leščauskienė, Tomas Mitkus, Vaida Nedzinskaitė-Mitkė Textbook
Reference: 31898
Vida Davidavičienė, Sigitas Davidavičius, Giedrė Lapinskienė, Virginija Grybaitė Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 916845
Algirdas Griškevičius Study book (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 32190
Raimonda Martinkutė-Kaulienė, Viktorija Stasytytė Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31668
Brand: VILNIUS TECH leidykla "Technika"
Algita Miečinskienė, Indrė Lapinskaitė Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31074
Jurgita Raudeliūnienė Textbook (in Lithuanian)