Reference: 915542
Sisteminio įmonių valdymo pagrindai
Romualdas Ginevičius, Juozas Silickas Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Borisas Melnikas
Textbook (in Lithuanian)
Contemporary approaches and theories of international business and its development of knowledge based society and knowledge economy creation processes, as well as of innovation, innovation activities and effective innovation management models are described in the publication.
This publication is intended for students in business, management, economics, as well as engineering, humanities and other university studies programs. The purpose of this publication is to provide the students and other readers the comprehensive knowledge in contemporary trends and tendencies of international business development, in globalization processes, as well as in the field of problems, processes and priorities of the knowledge-based society and knowledge economy creation. The main attention is paid to the innovation processes and innovation activities in the context of globalization and internationalization processes in various spheres of economy and societal life.
The publication is original and unique: togetherness and interface between the international business development processes and the processes of knowledge-based society and knowledge economy creation, as well as processes of innovation activities are highlighted.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 915542
Romualdas Ginevičius, Juozas Silickas Textbook (in Lithuanian)
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Brand: VILNIUS TECH leidykla "Technika"
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