Ieva Švagždytė, Oleksandr Kapustynskyi, Andrius Gedvila
Laboratory tests
The publication presents laboratory workbook second- and third-year students of VILNIUS TECH. The works correspond the subject of the “Theory and Practice of Measurements” course. Workbook includes main methods and procedures of the quantification of the geometrical attributes of an objects including cylindrical surfaces, angles, lengths, micro irregularities, threads and other measurements. Also, laboratory workbook presents regulations of international standards, measurement devices and machines structures, procedures of measurement and data analysis.
The publication is dedicated to VILNIUS TECH Mechanics, Transport Engineering, AGAI and students of the Faculties of Architecture.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
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Ieva Švagždytė, Oleksandr Kapustynskyi, Andrius Gedvila
Laboratory tests