Reference: 31322
Paslaugų vartotojų lojalumas
Ilona Skačkauskienė, Neringa Vilkaitė-Vaitonė Monograph (in Lithuanian)
Eugenijus Blochinas, Stasys Dailydka, Leonas Povilas Lingaitis, Liudmila Ursuliak
Monograph (in Lithuanian)
This book is intended to introduce the processes that take place in the non-linear multi-mass mechanical system of the train in the processes of starting, braking, changing the force of draught, moving in broken way profile. The solution of the above mentioned tasks is based on the theory of the transitional or non-stationary conditions of the train movement which was developed by Professor V. A. Lazaryan in Dniepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport, and perfected by his follower Professor E. P. Blokhin – one of the coauthors of this book, and other scientific workers of this institute branch research laboratory. This book structure is as follows: first the authors introduce calculation schemes, mathematical models which should help to model the movement of a train.
Electronic version of the book:
Data sheet
Reference: 31322
Ilona Skačkauskienė, Neringa Vilkaitė-Vaitonė Monograph (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 918412
Ilona Skačkauskienė, Laima Okunevičiutė Neverauskienė, Rasa Zabarauskaitė, Daiva Andriušaitienė, Živilė Tunčikienė Mongraph (in Lithuanian)
Reference: 31162
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